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Some thoughts, experiences and behind the scenes of this little sewing adventure where I make an interchangeable system to decorate plants, hats, cars + homes.

3 min read
The Idea I Didn't Want To Share
It was about January 2020 and I had quit my full time job as an occupational therapist not too long ago and had also recently let go of...

3 min read
More Than Pretty Things
I’ve been wondering this for a long time now but I’ve never actually taken the time to dive deep into it. I have always been drawn to...

4 min read
The Hidden Gems of Sewing
The distinct smell of a hot iron, the humming sound of stitching a seam, the textures + variety of colors of all the fabrics…these are a...

3 min read
I smiled as I snipped the last piece of hemp, now holding 14 strands of this earthy cording. The smile wasn't from the hemp itself, although

3 min read
Broken Beyond Repair
As I sit here planning for next year’s Switch Script designs I can’t help but to think back to when I thought this subscription idea was...

1 min read
Fireflies Are In The Sky
Each month I make a new Button to send out to my friends on the subscription. And one of the perks for being part of the subscription is...

1 min read
Switch Stitch Hats + Ways To Wear Them
Here's a little flip through of all the ways to wear the most versatile hat you’ve ever met. This is a classic baseball cap that you can...

1 min read
Getting ReadyLast Minute...
Please tell me I'm not the only one who always seems to be getting ready in the car at the last minute! I'm so thankful for this hat that...

2 min read
What All Goes Into Designing A Switch?
Ahhh…creativity…what a world I love to get sucked into. I could play with creativity all day. I love everything about it. The messiness,...
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